An idea without a plan is just a wish!
At Cú Chulainn Consultancy I make wishes a reality for my clients.
Where to begin is often the biggest obstacle facing graduates, job seekers and changers and even job leavers. You have an idea about what you want but need the guidance on how to make it a reality.
Having worked with thousands of candidates over my career I help people at all stages on their journey to find the clarity, focus and drive to develop their career and future prospects.
Understanding your ultimate goal from the outset I guide and support you on a realistic career path based on your skills, interests and personality type.
Finding a career that maximises your potential and personality is the key to alignment and ultimate success. I bring an unbiased and practical perspective when working with clients leading to an increased sense of clarity and confidence about their possibilities.
Each of us has a genius within us and I help you find yours to create a fulfilling career and one that compliments your style and competencies rather than you fitting into a mould. Career Action Planning is just that! We plan together and take actions towards achieving your goals and ensure you find the path that best suits you. Typically, people will take many turns during their careers but I put you at the heart of that process and clarify your choices.
Typically, a Career Action Plan will last for 6 sessions allowing us time to clarity your realistic options and structure our approach to the achievement of your goals. Always SMART, we explore all options and choose goals that enhance your career whilst focussing on your personality type.
From graduates entering the job market to CEO’s and Business Owners extricating
themselves from the business I offer a full and comprehensive suite of services to meet your particular needs.