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Aptitude Testing

“I’m no good at these types of tests and I never will be!”


At Cú Chulainn Consultancy I will prove you WRONG in this regard!

Often seen as an entry level requirement in the recruitment and selection process for many public and private sector organisations candidates must complete a series of Aptitude tests as part of the initial pre-screen process. They form the basis on companies’ decisions as to whether or not you meet the minimum criteria for selection to the next level.

Depending on the nature of the role Aptitude tests can vary widely (see list below).
While not your everyday assessment these tests often instil a sense of dread in many people and too often people have already decided they are not going to perform well based on a previous poor performance or fear factor.

Opportunities are lost for such a small investment!
While there are no cheats or tricks to passing an Aptitude test knowing how to approach and react when facing them with confidence can increase your chances of success significantly.

Understanding the various forms of Aptitude test and the likelihood of which will be required for the position you have applied can increase your confidence and performance levels.

If you keep doing what you have always done, you’ll keep getting what you always have!

If this is a “test” you would prefer to avoid yet it is impacting on your career development, why not call me today to help you overcome this fear once and for all. Let’s change your record together at Cú Chulainn Consultancy.

Examples of Aptitude tests include:

  • Verbal Logic and Reasoning
  • Numeric Logic and Reasoning
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Spatial Reasoning
  • Logic & Critical Thinking Skills
  • Diagrammatic Reasoning
  • Situational & Behavioural
Why not call me for a free 15-minute consultation today?
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